
Dr. Tim Allen
Senior Pastor

I was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and spent my childhood living in Wisconsin and Missouri, before moving back to Pennsylvania in my teens. I grew up in a pastor’s home and received Jesus Christ as Savior at an early age and was baptized by immersion while a young teenager. I was called into pastoral ministry as a second career having spent 22 years in architecture.

I received my Bachelor of Architecture degree from Temple University, my Master of Divinity degree from Evangelical School of Theology (now Evangelical Seminary) and my Doctor of Educational Ministry degree from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

I am privileged to be the senior pastor at Fredericktowne Baptist Church since April 2019, and previously pastored Christ Community Church in Lindenwold, New Jersey from 2011 to 2019.

I am happily married to Ruth and together we have three children.



Harry Driscoll, Chairman
                                      Harry Driscoll, Chairman                                                                                                 Derrick Perry                                        



               Josh Kessler                                     Aaron McConnellDoug Sidey, Chairman                                                                                                                          

   Board of Trustees

                                                                                                   Matt Adams
          Russell Benson, Chairman
          Charles Bonner
          Sean Louthan, Secretary 
          Tonya Perry
          Paulo Taborga



Tom Turner


Ministry Directors & Staff

 Matt Clark, Director of Worship
Derrick Perry, Director of Adult Education
Doug & Katie Sidey, Youth & Children’s Ministries
Sue Miller, Office Administrator
Paulo Taborga, Facilities Manager
Bud Kreitzer, Security Director

Missions Board 

Olivia Lea-Wilson
John Maestri, Chairman
Sarah McConnell
Jeremy Pelovitz
Gary Richard
Gloria Stepp
Ruth Weyman